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Untitled: Making  a Codpiece for Eagle 

colour, silent

Duration 1min. 13 secs.

Some initial experimental designs made  in Photoshop, colours chosen conceptually gold/black for the Gothic elements of the house and red looked  too much like a bullfighter

My decision to use satin and silk on such a large scale garment proved problematic from the outset as it was slippery and the fabric needed to  be joined. I made it in calico first which also needed joining. These were also my  first attempts at 'full costumes'  

The cloak was lined and all seams needed to match

Several layers of fringing to represent the wings

My first attempt at the collar was hessian buckram stiffening, wadding, satin and velvet and was too top heavy to stand  up so I abandoned this design

Showing off the 'wingspan' 

Conceptually this was Brian Eno/Rick Wakeman meets the Gothihc Horror/Carnival  villain.


This enabled me to try out choreographic ideas and to develop the narrative in  a more appropriate space. 

I developed the ideas below  from the  initial design in my proposal to Unravelled.

There were several rehearsals and a  a number of lot of fittings for each character

and costume.These took place at college as well as in my studio and in the actor's home

Rehearsals in the Film and Video room for the Performance done for  assessment  allowed me to experiment with studio lighting and an elevated platform for Eagle (understudy) to  use. This was more of a  'theatrical' environment  but  was a more detached experience for the viewer

A second performance was done to the MA/MFA group in a more intimate and was a more intense experience forthe  viewer and the performers

Unravelling The Vyne

Making Eagle's costume

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